Thursday, December 15, 2011

Found Poem

He pulled the trigger
The crash of the shot rolled up the hills-
And rolled down again…
But he sat stiffly on the bank and looked at his right hand
The hand that had thrown the gun away
I just done it
Yeah tha’s how
His voice almost a whisper
He looked steadily at his right hand that had held the gun
Hollow with what had been fear
But what was now just an emptiness
Deep inside his brain was something like a pinpoint of light
That kept going and going that would never let him relax
Let it go
If it ends, it ends
We can move towards hope-
That’s what’s beautiful about this place…
We cannot run from heartache
Is seems not sufficiently eradicated-
Since the operations of the body
As well as those of the mind
Are subject to coercion
But I’m ready for action
Not for dying
It’s a risk I accept
One I can only hope to face
Saying I will not deal in lies!
His breast heaving, eyes staring he tears the confession
He crumples it-
He throws it to the ground weeping in fury
But erect
You have conquered and I yield
Yet henceforward thou art also dead
Dead to the world
Dead to heaven
Dead to hope
In his death, in me I do see
How utter I have murdered myself
I will try not to breathe
This decision is mine
I have lived a full life
These are the eyes that I want you to remember
And in my hour of darkness
Mother Mary comes to me
She is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom
Let it be
Let it be
Accept the place the divine providence has found you
Great men have always done so

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